Overcome challenges with strong strategies

Custom software


Based on 20 years experience

in software development


create comprehensive analysis

of your existing software solutions


search for solutions

related to web apps development

Data migrations

We help you migrate your databases
or integrate data from different sources

Software Development

Responsive cross-platform
web based application development


Integrate solutions into your
existing web applications


We have years of experience managing solution architecture development in order to fit all scenarios and protect company assets.

Based on:
- Distributed services
- Open standards
- Secure and data encryption
- High availability



We can review existing software solutions and pinpoint the problems and challenges you face right now.

Based on experience and the ability to see data flows.


Based on best practices and procedures.

We use:

- session-less authorization
- JWT based model
- encryption
- dedicated services
- anti attack measures

Users access management

Solutions for users management including users groups and group roles.
Keep your solution clean in terms of data access policies and regulations.

Software development

We can offer full-stack development for web applications.

Currently we support:

- VueJS, HTML5, CSS for front-end development
- NodeJS, Express and Ubuntu for bac-end development.

- authorization
- files access and management
- database access (API's)
- memory DB
- communication protocols

Dartabases (we prefer to work with):
- PostgreSQL
- MySql

- MongoDB

My-Drive CLOUD files management

We provide services related to My-Drive implementation and maintenance into Amazon AWS CLOUD.